Saturday, June 30, 2007

Oh Canada?

And so the saga of our directional impairment continues. We woke up bright and early this morning to get on the road and out of Illinois. Unfortunately we were stuck in traffic for about an hour before we could finally get out of Chicago. The whole time we were in traffic we kept thinking, "it's 6 am on a Saturday morning. What is all this traffic about?!". Anyway, once we finally got out of Chicago and Sophia and I promptly fell back asleep. I thought I had told Doug the right way to go but I guess I'd given some bad directions. When I woke up a few hours later I could not tell where we were. I finally figured out where we were and realized that we had taken a wrong turn in Indiana and instead of driving through Indiana (or what should have been Ohio by this point) we were heading northeast into Michigan. So we pulled out the old map and decided to head to Buffalo via Ontario. Luckily we had brought our passports along but did not have a birth certificate for Sophs. When we got the the Canadian border the inspecting officer said, "Who's the baby 'eh?" We were like, "baby, what baby? I don't see a baby here." Luckily the guy let us through and by the time we got to Niagara they didn't even ask about her. It wasn't too bad and it was a nice little drive through Canada. It was kind of fun to record our speed in kilometers for awhile. Also, I can now officially say I've been to Canada.

Anyway, so we finally made it to Williamsville and had a nice look at Niagara from the Canadian side. We have had a great time with Liza and Brad so far! We had a yummy Buffalo Wings dinner tonight. It was a great welcome to this great state. Well I better run and put Sophia to bed. Enjoy the pics!

Lowest Gas Price: $1.09 (Although that was the price per liter in Canada)
Total Mileage for the Day: About 560
Biggest Surprise of the Day: Driving through Canada!

1 comment:

PureDesign said...

I'm very directionally challanged as well. Good to hear you finally made it. I'm not sure I would be that brave to take our little Hannah on such a long trip, she starts getting VERY irritated with five hours under her belt, and has never done to well sleeping outisde of her home enviornment.

That fire truck story, sounds so familiar (the one where she was crying and screaming until the fire truck flew by.) Hannah does stuff like that... So random these little kids are these days.