K. I know these sort of things happen every day so I feel silly for posting this but Sophia has been waiting all year for one of her teeth to fall out. She finally got lucky and had one fall out! Yesterday she noticed it was loose and spent the whole night trying to wiggle it out. We told her that it usually takes a few days and that she needed to be patient. This morning she told me this morning that during her prayer last night she asked Heavenly Father to have it fall out during recess. She called me around noon to tell me the good news (it happened before math and not recess but close enough). I'm pretty sure she set a record for the time it took for a tooth to fall out. Here's the cute new grin!Here's the tooth pillow the tooth fairy dropped off today for her to leave her tooth in (thanks for the idea Tiffany although I can guarantee it's not as cute as what you have!). The tooth fairy was kind of in a hurry and I couldn't find any of those cute wooden teeth that we had growing up (the kind that has the tiny hole to put your tooth in - where can I get one of those?!) so we had to improvise. Good enough for now.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Toothless girl
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Luck Day!
The time has come to give our grass a haircut! We had such a fun time this week getting ready for St. Patty's Day. The girls had fun with the shamrock headband.
Lilly seriously wore this all day on Thursday. To the store, the library, anywhere we went. It was hilarious.
We also had fun getting our nails ready so that no one would pinch us!
On Friday night we were lucky enough to sleep over at Grandma Millers (since Doug was working all night). Grandpa even took the girls to see "The Lorax" in 3D. They were pretty spoiled! On Saturday we woke up to a green breakfast! Yikes!
After a fun morning at Grandma's we came home to see that the leprechaun had come to our house while we were gone! He turned our toilet water green! Double yikes!
He also made our lunch green!
Side note: my kids were begging all day to eat green food. I complied to their requests but of course they didn't eat any of it! They would look at it and then ask for "normal" versions of the food. Crazy girls! (can't say that I blame them though. I would have a hard time eating food that looks radioactive too).
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Girl Pictures
Feel free to ignore this post. I just wanted to post the latest installment as well as document the other ones I've done for future reference.P.S. I also wanted to post a quick picture of my new spring centerpiece. I'm loving it!
In like a lion
March has definitely come in like a lion in our house! We are finally getting a minute to catch our breath and I hope things are starting to settle down. Here's what we've been up to lately. I have the best sister ever and she sent me the cutest mid-tax season surprise package. She did this last year too and I loved it! She really is the best. The girls can't wait to explore what's inside.Here's a random picture of Lilly when she fell asleep on the way home a few days ago. I love that she managed to keep her hand in the cookie jar (aka Cheetos).
Last week my mom was on spring break and so she got to come and show off her Cinderella book collection to Sophia's class. The kids loved it and of course she did a great job. I am kicking myself that I didn't take a picture of her with the class. Here's a shot of the thank you notes though which is a good sign that things went well.
My other awesome sister did a cute pay it forward thing and sent me this cute tile. I love it!
Sophia's class has been learning about science lately and she decided to do a report on meteors. She did a great job and was able to show the shooting star song from this DVD (we love this CD/DVD - the numbers one is great too)!
Last Saturday we went to another family day at the BYU art museum. We learned about Islam and were able to walk through their current "From Beauty to Belief" exhibit. It was awesome. Here they are playing with some Arabic/Hebrew/some other middle eastern language blocks.
At then end we got to make some cool Islamic mobiles (watercolor animals attached to a crescent shape).
After that we headed to my mom's for a little bit. While we were there Lilly tripped and landed on one of my mom's ceramic Easter villages. She scratched her face a little and got a small bump. Then she fell off their rock wall in their backyard and got an even bigger scratch in almost the exact same spot! The poor girl looked so beat up. I felt so sorry for her.
Here's the girls watching "The Big Green" later that night. Lilly was asleep but Sophia was still watching. I love these sweet sister moments.
We have also been getting excited for spring around here! We planted some wheat grass and have already gotten some blades! I love doing this every year. Thanks again for the idea Lauren!
Even the daffodils are excited for spring! I can't believe they've already bloomed! I love it though!
Here's Lilly's latest project from the toddler class at the MOA. They marbled paper eggs using shaving cream and spray watercolors. It was amazing and so fun!
Finally, here's how we're celebrating the holiday today - with a yummy slice of Mud and Coconut cream pies from Daltons. Happy Pi day!