Thursday, January 10, 2013

Notes to Daddy

Sorry these are hard to see but I had to post some of the notes the girls have written Doug lately.  I love them. Lilly randomly handed him this one the other day.  I love how she spelled Dad.
This was all that was inside.  Just a picture she drew of the 2 of them.  Pretty much melted his heart.
 And here's a classic one from Sophia "Dear dad you are the best dad I could ever have you are so nise and kinduve grumpy but I don't minde."  Thanks Sophs.  You're a real champ.
Finally, this isn't a note from Sophia but something I found when I was going through her school stuff.  I guess she'd just read Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and was trying to come up with a comparison.  The bottom got cut off but it said "This story reminds me of when I was born.  I had lots and lots of hair.  We kut it and now it is long. And I sometime tese my sister.  One time she got so mad that she sat on me".  I guess that explains what's going on in the picture.  She cracks me up!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

LOVE IT ALL!! These are so cute and so funny. Is that Sophie coming out of you??