Sunday, May 16, 2010

Camping Numero Dos

Here's a quick bonus picture I found on my phone of the twin cousins. They're pretty cute.
This weekend we had a great time camping in Grover, UT (it's by Capitol Reef). Sophia got some new sneakers before we left but was bummed when she realized Jane never got to see them. She took this picture with my phone so that Jane could see.
One of the partners at Doug's firm owns this property and they've had a campout there the past few years. It's a really nice clean property and has some great views.

Random shot of the tent.
It was still a little cold but not as cold as last weekend. The sprinklers were on all night and we woke up to this ice field (we forgot our camera so all these are from my phone so they're not spectacular). The white strip in the middle of the picture is all ice.
It was a little chilly that morning and Doug got fed up with hearing Sophia complain about how cold she was.

After breakfast we headed out to Escalante (about 40 miles away) to hike Calf Creek Falls. It was a great hike and our kids were troopers! Sophia pretty much made it the whole way by herself.
We were told that it was about a 2 mile hike so we didn't think it'd be that bad. We didn't know if that was one way or round trip but we still figured we be up for it. They had markers along the way showing different things. 15 was the waterfall. Sophia was so relieved when we finally made it there!
Doug and Lilly at the falls.
Sophia playing in the water.
The falls. It really was beautiful!
So by the time we finally made it back to the car we were exhausted! I told Doug I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt that exhausted. We were looking through something and saw that the hike was actually 6 miles round trip! We couldn't believe Sophia had made it. It was pretty hilly too and most of it was through sand. That was my biggest complaint. By the end each step hurt so bad and it seriously was the worst to walk through! I seriously wanted to give up. My calves are killing me today!
We were very hot and tired by the time all was said and done but glad that we did it. It was a fun experience and we were glad to get some hiking in before this baby comes.


Jennifer Lyn said...

So fun! We stayed in Grover, UT too. But we didn't see that waterfall, it looks awesome.

Nancy said...

That's a cool looking place. 6 miles! I'm surprised you didn't have the baby on the trail. Way to go.

stu said...

Wow that's quite a hike! And I thought the Payson Grotto was a long walk. You are a trooper!

Melissa said...

You are amazing!! 6 miles pregnant!! I once did 10 miles on our 4th year hike in TEVA's!! I thought that was pretty good- but you beat me. It was supposed to be a mile hike to a lake, but ended up being 5 in and 5 out and NO lake. Oh well. Sorry Sophie was cold- Josh would have been the same way :)

The Favorite said...

Those are great shoes!
Fun hikes and camping- we'll go with you one of these times :)

One Fish said...

Wow 6 miles pregnant! You are crazy lady. We went to Yellowstone when I was almost 8 months and I thought I would die on a three mile hike.