Saturday, March 22, 2014

Really Long Showers

My sister forwarded this e-mail to me that Sophia sent to her daughter.  It completely cracked me up. Apparently I take really long showers!

JANE LEWIS IS SUCH A HANDFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!At first you think he's just a cute baby,but if your his sister like me you'll see it's not so easy.Once my mom got in the shower.She said I had to watch Lewis!Because Lewis might fall down the stairs.p.s.I did not like the sound of watching Lewis,But I had to so I did.And guess what happened!HE CRIED AND CRIED!So I picked him up and rocked took a long time before he stoped crying it was kind of cute(for a second)so I set him down.And know what happened...HE CRIED AND cried and cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 HOURS LATER!finely my mom came out of the shower and we all lived happily ever after.(ecsept for mom because she had to take care of you know who.)


One Fish said...

That is classic.

ottspot said...

She had to take care of you know who. That's my favorite. I'm going to steal it. "My day was great except I had to take care of you know who."