Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Swim Lessons, Cousins and Pioneer Day!!

"Finding Dory" finally came to the Drive In by Wales so we took advantage and went and saw it.  The kids loved it! We were going to stay over at the Wales house but in the end just decided to come home. 
 The next night Doug and I went on a much needed date to The Chocolate.  It was so nice!
Random picture of a cute dancing tiger!
We started swim lessons a few weeks ago and this buddy was not too pleased with it at first.  He cried the first few days but by the end he was doing awesome!! He would climb right up the ladder and get right in.
 He did really well with his airplanes
and flagpoles
 but noodle time was his favorite!!! He loved cruising around the pool with his noodles!
These girls did pretty well this year too.  Mabel didn't cry at all which was a step up from last year! 

 Jumping on the trampoline was a close second to his favorite part of swim lessons. He was glad when his turn was over so that he could jump!
 One of the days we were lucky enough to go swim at our cousins's cousins house.  The kids had an absolute blast and it was such a fun pool.
 Lewis loved the boat!!
A few weeks ago I took the girls to see Peter Pan at the Hale.  It was really funny and they loved it.  
 A few Saturdays ago I planted a few perennials to try and resurrect our yard after a water restriction.  This little guy couldn't resist helping me and had to wear gloves!
 A few days later we were lucky enough to have cousins come and stay with us!!! Mabel absolutely fell in love with Lucas.  IT was so cute to see her write his name!
 Lewis has loved having cousins around because his sisters are entertained so that he can have Mario to himself...
 We had so much fun with our cousins though and are looking forward to more! We went with them to Nickel Mania one day.  Best place ever!
 and to the aquarium another day.
Random picture with Lilly in front of the lilies at Dylan and Tonya's house.  So pretty!!
 We also went bowling with cousins and had a blast.  Even if it took awhile to let everyone bowl...
 I couldn't get enough of this guy in his little bowling shoes!!
We were sad to see our cousins go and spend time with their other grandparents for a little while but are glad we're going to get more time with them before they have to head home!

Last Saturday we did some exploring and went to find dripping rock up Spanish Fork canyon.
 We found it and it was awesome!
Lewis was not as interested in the water as he was as throwing rocks in the water.
After our little hike we let the kids play in the park for a little bit.
 Then we came home and got out the pools to help fight the heat!
 After that we went for sno cones to cool us off even more!
Crazy girls in crazy jammy creations.
 Sunday was pioneer day and we had a nice day at home relaxing and watching the Mormon Tabernacle Choir pioneer day concert.

On Monday Doug had the day off work for Pioneer Day so we went on another hike! We hiked to Battle Creek Falls.  It was the perfect family hike and there was an awesome waterfall at the end to play in!
 Once again Lewis decided he would rather throw rocks.
 These guys were adventurous though and loved getting in the water.
 Some of them got in the waterfall and got soaked!
 Crazy Mabel.

 After that we went to find a fun park in Cedar Hills and played for awhile.
Later that day we watched a movie and roasted marshmallows.  It was a fun low key holiday!

End of June, 4th of July and Mabel's birthday!

After we got home from our trip we got Sophia ready to go to 5th grade camp.  She was going with her best friend from Spring Lake (the one in brown) and was so excited about it!! She seemed to have a good time and came home in one piece so I guess it was a success!! 
 We missed her while we were gone and had to find ways to entertain ourselves.  One of the days we did some fireworks painting.
 And some lounging around apparently.
 A couple of days later we celebrated the 4th of July!!
 On Monday we got up bright and early to go see the balloons in Provo.  Unfortunately it started to rain so none of them inflated while we were there.  We've had years where they didn't go up in the air but this was the first year we went that they didn't even inflate!
 Someone was ok with it though!
 And we still saw Smokey.
 After that we went to breakfast to make the most of the morning.
 Then we came home and took some naps.
 And pulled out the old Nintendo and played Mario.  The kids loved it!!
 Then we went for some treats at Sip'n Spot
 And then headed to JD's house for fireworks.  This guy thought he was pretty hilarious in Daddy's hat.
 Hooray for cousins and fireworks!!
 He was a little unsure of his first experience with fireworks but liked it in the end!!

 Getting ready for the show!
 We let them each pick a firework and they were pretty excited to see them let off!
 Happy Birthday America!
2 days after the 4th we celebrated Mabel's birthday!! 
 It started with cinnamon roll cake and presents in the morning
 And then we met friends at the splash pad.  Lewis enjoyed his lunchable complete with an oreo inside.
 They had fun at the splashpad despite these faces.  And I can't believe I didn't get a better picture...
This picture was happy.  She really did have a good time!! Maybe she was sad that it was time to go...
 After the splash pad we headed up to meet Daddy at Boondocks!!
 It was so fun.  All the kids loved it!
 The bumper boats were a big hit
 as well as the mini golf.  Once they eventually figured it out....
 Doug and the older girls tried out the race track and had a pretty good time.
 But I think they had the most fun in the arcades.  Especially when they got to trade in the tickets for prizes!!
 Lewis was pretty pleased with the dragon he picked.
 After that we went and met Grandpa and Grandma Miller at Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner.  She got cotton candy lemonade which she was pretty excited about
 and spaghetti (her favorite).
 We came home and had some cupcakes and then went to bed.  It's hard to believe this cute girl is already 6!!