Monday, March 10, 2008

Here's what Sophia's been "squitin'" lately

So let me explain the title of this post first. Sophia always says this when she doesn't know what word to say. For example she'll always come up to us and say, "What are you squitin'?" She also says "I'm squitin' him" as she squishes her stuffed monkey. We're really not quite sure what it means or where it came from but it's fun to see her imagination at work. I actually think it may have come from Blue's Clues (a.k.a. Clues Clues). Steve or Joe or whatever his name is now always says "let's skidoo" when they're going to do something and I still can't figure out what that word means. I think that's she's making up her own words for things because that's what these wonderful "educational" programs are teaching her. Anyway, here's a little bit of what she's been up to.

Last Friday she went with her friend Will to Chuck E. Cheese. Will has been looking forward to it for weeks since his mom promised him he could go with Sophia once she finished the Bar exam. She took it a few weeks ago so last week (Hooray for Erin!) so they were finally able to go. From the minute we walked in the door to the minute we walked out of the door she was completely glued to my leg and would freak out the minute I tried to put her on a ride. I did finally get her on one and she immediately jumped off the second it started to move. We also saw the great Chuck E. himself and that totally caused her to freak as well. As soon as she saw him she started screaming and said, "No! Not that guy!" Needless to say, I think we'll give it a few more years before we try that place again. Thanks anyway Erin! I at least had a fabulous time. Will also had a tremendous time! He would come and get a token, go and ride a ride, come back for a token and go ride another ride. He continued this process the whole time we were there. I was truly impressed at his independence. Here he is enjoying one of the rides.

Here's Will and Sophia just before we left. I really did try and get one of them on a ride together but she seriously would not have it! She wouldn't even get out of the stroller to take a picture!

After that we decided to take a walk up the canyon since it was such a beautiful day. The girls thouroughly enjoyed the sun and I enjoyed the exercise

After that we decided to head to the animal museum (Bean Life Science Museum). It's pretty much Sophia's favorite place in the entire world because the animals don't move! She really loves it and would go there everyday if I'd let her.

All in all it was such a fun day and I was so glad I was able to do so many fun things with my girls! We're looking forward to a fun week this week and we hope it won't rain so that we can go to the zoo (her second favorite place) with Drezden (Happy Birthday on Saturday)! I also want to give a late birthday shout out to Jane and Maddie who both celebrated birthday's yesterday! It looked like they both had fabulous days! The cake was adorable by the way Lauren!

Finally, here's on of the laughing girl. She has let out much bigger guffaws but I can never get them on video! It's at the very beginning so don't cough or you'll miss it. This is the best we could do. I still think it's pretty cute.


Melissa said...

Oh Lilly, you are the sweetest! I just want to squish you up and eat you. Ok, that's crazy. That laugh is so sweet- there is nothing like a baby laugh. That is the FUNNIEST story about Sophie! I would have loved to have been there! I can imagine that that place would freak her out so- hilarious! I'm glad the bean museum is ok, actually that place kind of freaks me out most times. But it looks like she had fun with Will. Lauren's cake it AMAZING! I can't believe she gave it to Maddy to destroy- I don't think I would let anyone near it after all that work- so fun.

The Ullery Family said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I so needed to laugh tonight and I think I will stop crying soon. I could picture Sophia the whole time I was reading the story about Chuck E Cheeses. I especially loved how she obviously knows Chuck E and that he is a bad man. Anyway. Love ya

Leslie said...

Hi Joanna, this is nancy's cousin, Leslie. I would love for you to join the swap. The more the merrier. Can you email your contact info, address, interests, etc to me at

Emily said...

JC would be the exact same way there! He is nervous about anything and everything. Sounds like you guys have been having fun!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to that museum in such a long time! I can't wait to take Vince places like that, and the zoo... fun stuff!