Monday, March 23, 2009

Sometimes painters get hungry...

or so this one just informed me. Good things she's got "artisan" crackers and some water close by. I wouldn't want this cute painter to go hungry.

With all the painting she's been doing she's managed to squeeze in some fun lately. Last week was picture day at preschool. I think she looked pretty cute and I'm hoping that her smile was a little bigger than seen below.
She also got to go to a princess party Saturday. It was such a fun party and she had a blast! The best part was that she got to dress up like a princess. My friend did a lot of fun things for the party. She had the kids paint a castle and make pizzas for lunch. They also go to sword fight with swim noodles on PVC pipe. It was great. (I just showed Sophia this blog post and when she saw this picture she said, "Wow! That's a pretty picture of me!")
Last week we also had a rare daddy sighting. His work had a bowling party Friday and so we went the day before to get some good practice in. We had a great time and it was so nice to spend time with the dad! We're so glad it's almost April!

1 comment:

Leda Johnson said...

You have the cutest family. I hope ours can be just like yours someday!