Monday, September 26, 2016

Rest of September

Right after Labor Day this cutie started preschool.  There were some mixed feelings about it all....
But he loves it!! He asks every day if it's a preschool day. His teacher Miss Misty is the best.  She's a good friend in our ward and she's wonderful.  The best part is that we can walk there.  That's his favorite part too.  That and his Paw Patrol backpack....
 The beginning of September brought on fall which meant some fall baking and decor...
I was also able to sneak away with some friends for a girls weekend in St. George.  It was so fun to get away and nice to have a break from kids.  Unfortunately this is the only picture I took...
 This boy was pretty excited about the Paw Patrol shirt I brought home for him!
He's also been enjoying his last few weeks of being the baby of the family and follows me everywhere I go.  I don't mind though! I love having him around and especially love when he falls asleep by me.
 My dad brought over a delicious peach pie the other night made with peaches from their garden.  We quickly gobbled it up!
This is Lilly's self portrait along with an autobiography that I spotted in the hallway when I was at the school the other day.
 A few Saturdays ago we took advantage of the good weather and got some projects done.  Doug put some heat tape on the roof and it only took him 4 hours....
 We also made some pumpkin donuts to go along with watching football!! Now if only BYU could win a game...
The kids kept reminding me that it had been awhile since we decorated our pictures for a holiday so they took it upon themselves to decorate them.
 I took advantage of some free time and made a quilt for the new baby.  I've had the fabric and pattern for awhile and was happy to finally make it!
 Sophia made this for me while I was in St. George.  She's too sweet.
 Lewis drew a "mask" on himself the other day.  He also drew them on his hands and arms.... Luckily it came off pretty good!
 And here's Lilly with my boots on.  Those are some big shoes to fill! JK.
 And finally, yesterday we said goodbye to our dear hamster Niblet.  We had him for about 2 years so he lived a good life.  He recently started getting really big and gross looking and could barely walk so we were glad to see him pass on to hamster heaven.

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