Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sitting, Singing and Sharpness

Lilly has had three great accomplishments this week that we wanted to pass along. She's starting to sit by herself although she's still a little tipsy. She's also started to really explore her vocals lately and it's fun to hear her talk. She has a high little voice just like Sophia. She loves to sit in her exersaucer and yell at all the toys. It's pretty cute to watch. Her final accomplishment is that she has sharpness. Her bottom right toothy has poked through! She has also discovered food and is very much a fan (especially of sweet potato puffs!). For those of you who haven't been privileged to see this in person I thought I'd include this picture. This is Lilly's favorite pose. We're pretty sure she has abs of steel by now and it must be how she keeps her girlish figure. She can seriously hold this pose for about 5 seconds. She usually does about 5 reps at a time. It's pretty funny to watch.

This weekend was so fabulous because we had cousins in town! My brother Bud and his wife and girls were in town for a graduation and we were lucky enough to spend time with them! They came down on Saturday and the girls got to play together and then we went up to J's on Sunday for dinner. It was fabulous and so fun to see all of them again!Here's Elyse doing some good coloring.
Here's Elyse catching Lilly coming down the slide. (Look at that good lookin' grass!)Here's Bubs going down the slide.Here's Bubs doing one of her favorite things - putting tape on her face.Here's the kids playing with Lucy the hamster. They had such a fabulous time with her. Elyse absolutely fell in love with her. Apparently she has been telling her parents they're going to get her a fish but now she's convinced she needs a dwarf hamster. As we were leaving she told her dad, "if I do good listening, you're going to get me a hamster!"

Here's a few more pics to suit your fancy. Here's my cute girl before church on Sunday. She came out and announced, "I look like a princess!"Finally this is what greeted up on our way home from first Monday ice cream night last night. If you look closely you can see this was a double rainbow (there's a very faint one on the right of the bright bow).


Melissa said...

Wowzas!! You were both (liza and you) so lucky to have family around! (I guess that isn't really new for you) What a great time! I sure wish I could see Elyse and Elizabeth again soon. I love that you can see that Elyse has curious george underwear- I'm not a pervert I swear! And whose hamster is that? Did you guys get one. And since when did you steal mom & dads treadmill!! No fair! Oh and way to go on all the accomplishments Lillers!!! WAHOOO!! great crunches and nice abs.

Alice-Anne said...

Our little boy also does the abs of steel thing and does it all the time...ever since he was born! My mom--who had nine kids--saw him do it once and just shook her head and said, "I never had a child do that." It must be reserved only for the super tough kids!:)

Lauren said...

Lilly is so cute and big! I love her big blue eyes. I also love the green grass and rainbows! Thanks for sharing.

Rachel Ann said...

Joanna... your little girls are so cute!! I can't wait to have a sweet little girl someday that I can dress up. Tanner wouldn't like it if I put bows in my boys hair. :) Hey, I know I am just being paranoid, but can you list us by our first names? Thanks!