Saturday, December 20, 2008

A first

Well I guess there's a first for everything. We put Lilly down for a nap a little while ago and she was having a hard time so I kept checking on her to make sure she was okay. I let her cry for a little while and finally went to check on her again and noticed brown stuff all over the crib, her body, and her mouth. Yup you guessed it. She had no diaper on either. We quickly threw her in the tub and stripped her bed. Yuck! Thank goodness she's already on antibiotics. Hopefully she won't get too sick. Sorry I didn't take a picture of this glamorous first. Any of you ever had their kids eat their own poop?


Stacy Risenmay said...

Alex went through a phase where he would strip down, poop and fingerpaint in his poo all over the crib and walls. I don't know if he ever ate it though. It lasted for months and made me nuts!!! Good times.

Nancy said...

Yuck! Thats disgusting! I hope we never have that first come through our house!

The Ullery Family said...

What a great memory! :)

The Favorite said...

Really- a little TMI, sorry lils you can some sleep at my home. Can't wait to see you for REAL.