A few weeks ago we were at Doug's parents house admiring their incredible garden. We couldn't believe the size of their pumpkin patch! It would eat Mabel! She fit inside one of the leaves. I couldn't believe it!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Great Pumpkin
Friday, September 24, 2010
For Sophia's homework the last few nights she's had to draw certain numbers of different things. I love seeing her little artistic abilities shine threw. Here are some dogs she drew. And some toy cars. She struggled a lot with how to draw these. I don't blame her! I can barely draw toy cars. Kind of a complex thing for a Kindergartener.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
After being inspired by my sister and her cute family, we decided to share our talents for FHE last night. Here's Doug juggling horses:
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Creative Energy
We've been using our creative energy's around here lately. A certain two year old had fun with paper and a glue stick (if you look closely half of the papers on the fridge are not held up with magnets). I made this fun candy corn pennant that I found on this cute website.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Grotto and Such
We took another fun trip to the Grotto again this weekend. It was so good to get outside and we had fun getting leaves for "our collections" as Lilly kept saying.Sweet Mabel was a trooper without a sling to be carried in. Good thing it's a short hike!
Our little family. We took this one with the timer and I thought it turned out pretty good. If you look closely you'll notice two things about Lilly. First, I got tired of her long stringy hair and cut it off last week. It's a bit of a boy cut but it looks pretty cute. Second, you can barely see it but she suddenly has a dimple on her left cheek. She fell into a door frame a few weeks ago and had a pretty good sized bruise there and now there's a dimple there in it's place. It's pretty cute when she smiles. Not sure if it's related to the fall at all or if it's random but we'll keep it! Here's a funny story related to that though. When Doug was in elementary school (or maybe it was junior high) someone threw a stale candy Dot (they're pretty stale anyway but I guess this one was extra hard) at his forehead and now he has a dimple/dent thing where it hit him. He swears that's what it's from anyway. Well I guess it's genetic because now Lilly has a dimple from her injury.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
At the Carni
We took part in a few of the Golden Onion Days celebrations this weekend. On Friday we took the kids down to the Carnival in the park. They had a blast. We let them ride a few of the rides and they had so much fun. They had fun on the cars. And the flying saucers.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Cute Blogs!
My awesome friend Stacy (the one who builds her own furniture) just launched two totally cute websites.
One of them is for birthday ideas and you can find it here: The Birthday Blog
The other is fun housewife stuff and you can see it here: Not Just a Housewife
She is seriously creative, clever, and fun (and she has the cutest boys on the planet). Check her out!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Funny Faces!
Oh my kids make me laugh! So these are not perfect but you get the idea.
Tonight we had fun making upside down faces. They thought it was pretty funny and so did I. For some reason Lilly's totally cracked me up. I think it has to do with her goofy (I mean cute) little smile.