Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Will the real Joanna please stand up?

Okay, so I don't know what it is with me lately but I've run into some identity issues. I think it's because our ward had an Enrichment night the other night about identity theft and I thought, "yeah that's interesting and good to know but like that'd ever happen to me." Well guess what? It did! Aside from Comcast insisting that my name is Julianna Walkins (I'm pretty sure they've fixed it by now) and getting numerous amounts of junk mail in that name, I also had a little issue come up yesterday. My medicaid case worker called to have me verify employment at Johnson Tire Co. Unfortunately, I've never worked there. Fortunately, my social security number has. That was great news. She told me that it really was a benefit for me because it means that I'll get more benefits when I'm retired. Oh goody! Does that make sense to anyone else? Anyway, I've since reported it to the FTC, all three credit bureaus, and I've filled out a police report. Apparently those are all the things you're supposed to do if you're ever a victim of identity theft (and don't say that you never will be because then you'll be next!). Anyway, hopefully nothing to serious will come from this. I'll keep you posted.


ottspot said...

We found out someone was using one of our credit cards that we hadn't used in a long time. Luckily we were able to charge back the charges (from a Chinese bookstore!) and cancel the card. And someone named Eric Parnell and Carlyn Parnell apparently give out our address ALL the time...including at the medical clinic in Springville that they went to. It's not like they used to have this address...since it didn't exist before our house was built!! Who are these people! Sigh. I feel your pain.

Lauren said...

Wow, crazy stories!!! Thanks for the heads up, Juliana. :)

Melissa said...

That is crazy- but it was just perfect for you now that you are all up on your identity theft knowledge. Maybe it is because you didn't make identity theft oriented centerpieces like you were supposed to. Great! Whenever we do our credit check there are still three cards that come up for me. They've found that two aren't mine but one they INSIST is me. It is so weird! Especially since all the purchases are made in like Georgia. Yikes! But luckily I was able to cancel it because it was "me". It's a scary world.

Emily said...

THis must be the one case when identity theft can actually work in your favor! What tires do you recommend for a '97 Accord during winter? Hahaha...