Saturday, February 2, 2008

Bumps and Bruises

My poor girl took a tumble face first out of her booster seat yesterday when I was making her lunch. It was so sad because she caught herself with her face. I thought she'd cut through her lip becuase she was bleeding everywhere but somehow she had just scraped the skin off of her lip (gross I know). Anyway her lip totally swelled and needless to say, she did not eat the lunch I had just made for her. Instead she spent the afternoon watching American Tale...twice.

After a little nap she was doing much better and I was so thankful she didn't need stiches. By the end of the night she was bouncing around like her normal self again. (I just can't get enough of the sparkly jammies!)

I don't know how many of you got to see President Hinckley's funeral today but I thought it was fabulous. It was so neat to hear the things that were shared about him and to reflect on his life. I did fine during the whole thing and then balled through the last hymn (My Shepherd Will Supply My Need-in case you missed it). First of all, I love that song and I don't think anything else would have been more fitting, and second the little video sequence they showed during the hymn really got me going. Seeing him walking with his wife was just a little too much for me to handle. Anyway, if you missed it, be sure to catch a rebroadcast (if they're doing one).


ottspot said...

I thought the video montage during the closing hymn was the most poignant moment as well...something about seeing his whole life in a series of little clips.

Melissa said...

Sorry Sophie! But American Tail can sure make anyone feel better. I still didn't recognize the song, but it was a pretty song. The clips were so fun, and teary, to watch.